Ergolift - Turning Device – electrical and manual
We deliver many of our Ergolifts with turning attachments.
When you need to both lift and rotate a subject in order to empty it or bring it in the right position, before putting it down, we often recommend a turning device.
The turning device is placed on the lifting slide and the lifting equipment is place on the turning unit.
The electric turning device is electrically controlled and is actived by pressing a button on the remote control.
The turning unit is fitted with a motor, slowly starting the turning movement (soft start) and switching off by overload. The steering makes it possible to adjust the turning speed.
The lifting tools - fitted with a turning device - are e.g.
Fork, lifting a box to be rotated and emptied using the turning device
Clamping device, seizing the subject e.g. a drum and then rotating
A manual turning device is also available for smaller subjects where the centre of gravity is close to the centre of rotation.