Case Studies - Production - Electronic Industry
When manufacturing electronic components, including semiconductors, the components are moved around between the various stages of manufacture. Sometimes the components are placed on trays which are placed in a frame. These frames weigh up to 80 kg and are moved around between the stages of production and placed in different heights.
To solve this task for e.g. Samsung Korea we produced a large number of specially designed minilifts. The Hovmand minilifts are fitted with a platform with reels making it easy to load and empty the frames. To keep the frames in place during transport, the platform is furnished with a lock which automatically locks the frame once it is pushed onto the lifting platform. The lock is released by a single grip of a handle.
To secure a simple operation the control buttons are integrated in the push handles and the lifts are supplied with two speeds. As the Samsung production takes place in 3 shifts the lifts have rechargeable batteries so one battery is charged while the other is in use. To facilitate the operation of the lift during transport, the lifts have 2 large antistatic front wheels.